Understand this. The defeat of Question 3 in Nevada gives corrupt billionaire Buffett complete control over solar power in Nevada. Hundreds of companies will build solar power plants in Nevada because those deserts have 365 days of sun. They will sell that power to other states that are deregulated.
Yes on Question 3 will empower all Nevadans to buy cheap solar from companies mentioned below and even put solar power plants on our homes and sell that to the grid.
Everyone saying NO is a lying Democratic/Socialist person or organization and we see what they have done to every city, every state and every country where they have gained control. Calif. Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson, Chicago, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil where the socialist past president is in prison. Don’t listen to them. Vote against them. Vote Yes on Question 3, Nevada. And then get your own solar. Contact me and I’ll show you how to get solar for half the cost and I’ll let you pick $500.00 of anything you want from Patriot Supply.
The businesses below and thousands of others support
Yes on Question 3.
Tens of thousands of businesses and Residences want Solar Freedom in Nevada. Vote Yes on Question 3. Nevada and Arizona have solar deserts with sun 365 days a year. Tens of thousands of Businesses like Switch, Apple and the giant energy-consuming casinos and Residences are developing their own solar which will make Energy dirt cheap in Nevada as long as crony politicians don’t keep billionaire Buffett in total control with NV Energy